Monthly Archives: September 2014

Life… Or Something Like It

Sorry been so quiet. This summer was crazy, and I finally just had to put writing projects on hold and just let the crazy follow it’s course, rather than risk my sanity trying to deal with it all. XD

Only managed about 20K words on DarkHarte for July’s Camp NaNo, but I’m ok with that. Got “part one” finished, rough state to be sure, but still pretty happy with it, and I know more or less how it ends. Just that pesky middle bit, to go. I truly hate middles.  Also submitted another query letter for In Plain Sight (the process of which went much smoother this time), so hopefully something good will come of that as well.

So, other than that, it’s been a bit quiet. Though I’m still not quite ready to dive back in, David Evans, author of The Mistress of Dimmiga Berg, shared this wonderful article with me, and in turn I’m sharing it with you all.

While I didn’t model In Plain Sight’s Rylee on any specific person, real women through the ages have done similar to help in various war efforts and it appears that Maud Butler is no different…

A teenage girl from the Hunter Valley coalfields was so desperate to be a part of Australia’s war effort that she cut her hair, dressed as a soldier and stowed away on a troopship.

Her life is currently being researched, and hopefully will be told in full, but for now we can read a bit about it here – World War I: Teenage girl stowed away on troopship.

Enjoy!! 🙂