Monthly Archives: March 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo

April 1st starts Camp NaNoWriMo, which is a much more laid back version of NaNoWriMo which happens every November. Both are great motivators, for those who are need a bit of an extra boost to keep to a writing schedule, but the great thing about Camp is that you can set your own word count goals. So it’s not quite as grueling as the 50K words in 30 days, that NaNo generally is.

I’ve had a few things kicking around in my head for a while, so I think I’m going to give Camp a go. If anyone wants to join me, feel free to poke at me, and we can find a forum or something for motivational support, or Twitter/Tumblr, etc… Whatever works.  Not sure how this one will turn out though, since I don’t have it nearly as well planned out as I did with my last NaNo effort.

Either way… shall be interesting.



Aengus Amused

From the fiery hot lava pits in the time of the dinosaurs, to the rain-swept fields of Scotland… an epic tale spanning 65 million years. A journey to find one’s true self in time to battle a jealous and vengeful God, who finds joy in the misery of others. A tale of true companionship, overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds, and a cautionary reminder as well that some things are inevitable, no matter how much we may wish otherwise.

Humorous and compelling, an action packed story that just sucks you right in, and before you know it, it’s 2am and you should have been asleep hours ago. 🙂

Great debut from first time novelist Chris Dews. It’s billed as “book one” of a trilogy – can’t wait to read the rest of them!!

Pick up your copy on Amazon today!!  (even if you don’t have a Kindle ready device, you can pick up the free reader app, and read them from your PC as well)


The Pitfalls of Caller ID and Assumptions…

Phone rings … and of course as is habit I check the caller ID, because we get tons of junk calls despite being on the “do not call list” and all that is supposed to imply. It says “CreateSpace

OMG why is CreateSpace calling me!!! Did someone on staff read my book and love it so much they want to offer me some sort of really awesome publishing deal… OMG OMG OMG!!!

Answer the phone…

Hi is this Sephira? We noticed your book has been in the proof stage for a while and wanted to know if there was any sort of issues that we could help with.


Nah… it’s all good. Still working on some last minute changes. Thanks for checking in.

Hangs up….

*dies again*

Terrible, terrible thing to do to a person. XD

(ok…yes… my brain is obviously on crack… but what else would you think – especially when you currently have a contest submission with them)


3 Days…

The waiting is like to drive me nuts. I entered the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest this year, and while overall I don’t have any expectation of winning it – I do have some small hope of (at the very least) making it to the 2nd round. They will make that announcement in 3 days, and admittedly I’m a bit of a basket case at this point.

Probably a good thing that my dad is coming in for a couple days, hopefully that will keep me occupied enough. Otherwise it’s going to be a very long 3 days.  XD